The “hurr durr the economy won’t reopen because the pandemic is still ongoing” isn’t making the argument they think they’re making, because if that’s the case, why bother having shut down in the first place?
I keep hammering this point because you HAVE to track down when the alternate idea took root in your head. We were supposed to flatten the curve and shunt the cases to the future over a broader period of time to allow for better hospital capacity.
Field hospitals were raised and barely used, and now packed up. Hospital ships are now sent on a different mission. We HAVE flattered the curve and have built capacity and learned more about the virus.
That doesn’t mean you’re safe! But life is never safe! You can hedge your bets and manage your risk which is what we do daily but you still need a moment of introspection: what gave you the idea that we could have shut down indefinitely until the virus ran out of victims to hit?
Was it because YOU can afford to, and thus allowed you to shut out arguments to the contrary? Was it this quixotic hope? Do you have a medpro family member? I can’t tell you what your alternative expectations are or where they came from. It’s a matter of personal bias.
But you need that time to reflect. There are so many dueling motives, so many are selfish, or selfishness hiding as altruism. Remember why we did this in the first place, and what changed about what you think we can achieve. Re-assess desired outcomes, then re-think.
Then… and here's the most important part: once you figure out the source of the incepted lie, you have to process that sense of betrayal. Even if it was just you, lying to yourself! You have to process it, acknowledge that you (or someone else) was wrong, and learn to move on.
You can follow @OneFineJay.
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