Avoided this but I'mma say it since some of you aren't getting it. If you make a video, and you post it online publicly, you're exposed to criticism and mockery. People will laugh and make fun of your videos. Not everyone will like the content you put out. That's 101% fine and ok
That is NOT bullying. Things like calling the video/person cringe, calling it silly or dumb, imitating or laughing about it with friends. That's going to happen like it or not. And if you can't accept that, social media isn't for you. If I see a cringe video, I'm gonna laugh.
Now, when you make fun of the person's looks and what not, that's when you call it bullying. i.e saying "she just has one good angle lmao" BASED on what you saw in the video isn't bullying, but saying she looks disgusting/ugly/fat/big ears/big nose, is.
Calling her derogatory name's is bullying I'm sure we can all agree on that, but please let's stop mixing criticism with bullying. People don't HAVE to criticize. Some people just want to, and that's alright whether their criticism is positive or negative, it's valid.
The point is some people may have bullied her yes and we don't support any of that. I personally cringed at the video just like a lot of you and said it made me lose brain cells but I didn't shame the girl. Good for her she can post all she wants, but content criticism is valid.
Also, if anyone thinks I'm wrong, please share your view with me!
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