Spill or Drink with @wethehighIQ!
Disclaimer : This thread didn't have any relations with the real Kim Yeonhee and only based on the mundane's experience & answers!
1. 'I love you so' by Golden Child. I don't know how relatable this is to my life now but I've experienced something like this? I always feel like I'm not enough but I kind of wish the person I like would see me even though we're friends for long enough?
2. First Impression : Such a classy place but seems nice!
Current impression : a definition of home đŸ„°
3. Ummm.. I don't know. Maybe ghosting, drama, and also attention seeker..?
4. Hello @Iaradorable ! We maybe just met but you're such a precious friend. You're very nice and +
+ I really thankful you're being by my side until now! I hope we can get closer in the future!!
5. (Attached below)
6. Someone who can understand me for who am I..? who can accept me for who am I! Also, very patient because I talk a lot!
7. Ask something without thinking twice..
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