story time : How my teacher told my parents i was gay & that was the curve ball to a awful life.
i was in English class. at the time i had my first girlfriend. we were secretive because i wasn’t out of the closet yet but she was. I got my phone taken away from my teacher because i was texting in class
my phone was unlocked and my teacher read my messages between me & my girlfriend at the time. and the screen saver to the phone was me and her... i had butterflies in my stomach because i thought my mom was gonna have to come get the phone .
my teacher told me she’ll give it back at the end of the day. i was calm and went about day at school until ... I got called to the office... i went to the office & was pulled into a room with the teacher & principle
im sitting there shaking bro. like idk what the fuck i did wrong im tripping.. MANNNNNNNN my mom!!! my mother walks into the office & my heart sinks to my ass & I looked like—
my teacher was like “ is there anything you wanna tell your mom” i did answer my mom is starring at me like a ANGRY BLACK WOMEN.. im just shaking.. my mom says “Tiyiia are you gay?” i just cried literally broken down and said “ i don’t know” why did I lie? Because i was young
young, dumb & scared. embarrassed.. well my mom checked me outta school & took me home. from there it was screaming & a ass whooping from hell. satan himself put fire on that belt for my mother. It got physical to the point my she started to punch and drag me
I blacked out & fought back. my face was so fucked up with black eyes, busted lips, my scalp was bleeding from where she dragged me & i just couldn’t take it.
to shorting the story. I refused to say I was gay because I didn’t wanna he beat so i kelp saying “idk if i was gay” and I got locked up in a psy facility and was ruled unstable & a threat to myself because she told the doctors i beat myself up.
end of story : Fuck you Mrs Silvia. Fuck Overhills. Fuck you Coastal Carolina Mental Health Facility. i love my mom but we not cool nor do we speak at all.
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