we're starting to recognize that the more directly your work benefits others, the less you're paid & worse you're treated. With the pandemic, some also these 'essential' or "front-line' workers are also those expected and willing to risk their lives for the sake of others 1/
what is less often remarked is how much this is the case even in ordinary circumstances. Not only is work which most benefits others less compensated, it's almost always more dangerous. 2/
We regularly speak of cops & soldiers as putting their lives on the line for our sake, but these are hardly the most dangerous professions. If you look at the top 10 they're not even on the list: https://insh.world/culture/top-10-jobs-kill/
deep-sea fishing is the most deadly profession, farming, logging, garbage collection, carpentry... All jobs that are clearly needed, are the ones where you're actually putting your life on the line; even taxi-driving is more dangerous than being in the security forces 4/
if jobs which benefit others are the least well paid & typically offer the least on-the-job respect (i.e., force workers to wear uniforms...), the best paid & most respect workers are not those that risk their own lives, but have the most capacity to damage others 5/
basically the income ladder is based on power, and power is meaningless unless you can destroy or demean other people 6/
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