Tip for writing essays on a time crunch: make your initial outline really comprehensive for you that touches on every question and small assumption asked by the prompt. THEN gather your sources to fit in the outline wherever you see it needs evidence/support and not opinion based
Then, write each section of your paper as if it were an individual paper with mini intros and conclusions. <- this is the key to saving time. Try to do it all in sprints rather than a marathon, with 15 min breaks in between so that you don’t burn out or get writers block
When u try to write a 8+ page paper w different sections, seeing each section as an individual smaller essay helps you connect the dots and work on different parts at the same time as you think of things. I also spend some time at the end copying and pasting things around the doc
People always used to ask me how I managed to get A’s on papers I started at 10 pm on a 11:59 deadline and there it is^^ (Now in grad school I have to start papers weeks in advance but this works for undergrad lol)
Also, I use google Docs for my APA paper formatting and gradeproof which is a free google doc ad-on to proofread it. If you use easybib theres also an add-on for that on google docts which makes it really easy for writing out discussion posts that need resources lol
I also got the google docs app and google drive. I save all my articles and peer reviewed sources on a google drive folder with the google doc as well so that I can open it on my phone wherever I am at, this helps if youre like me and inspiration to write hits at random times
If ur the type of person who procrastinates, im telling you, the moment you feel even slightly interested in moving your hand to type, force yourself to. You may be like me, w inspo coming at random times, so figure out how that feels like for you and dont miss it when it comes
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