basically i came out to my mom, she didn't take it very well, telling me im mentally and emotionally immature, confused, I've never dated boys and a lot of hurtful stuff, but after some time she told me she wants me to talk to a "sexuality therapist" saying she didn't want me to-
be confused about my sexuality when I'd clearly told her that i was sure of my sexuality after questioning it for years. i was terrified, but i agreed for her happiness. the therapist turned out to be not very educated on the matter sadly but she was extremely supportive.
she asked my mom when she realized about her heterosexuality and that shut my mom up. the therapist used really good arguments and even said that the only thing your daughter needs rn is support from you and your husband. unsurprisingly, the only thing my mom chose to remember-
from the session was that sexuality is fluid for some people and she forbade me from telling other people about my sexuality "because i shouldn't label myself rn since it can change" and if i call myself a lesbian then people will start labeling me like that-
and men won't approach me anymore. she never once said anything to support me. she just said that i feel attracted to girls because i live in a girls hostel which just made me feel predatory as i don't feel so already. tbh im just thankful she didn't throw me out of the house-
which says so much about how unsafe lgbt+ kids feel. i made this thread to vent out my feelings tbh, but if you're a parent i just want you to be kind to your kids. please. you don't have to understand it to respect it.
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