Many of you know I have been fighting one (among many) psychiatric organization that has, in my view, propagated lies about what we can and cannot know and our public duty. This may be of interest as exemplary of how this presidency corrupts institutions:
What the investigative reporter refers to as “biological psychiatrists” is a brand of ideological pseudoscientists who seem to have arisen alongside the highly profitable partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. Many ideas they hold....
... such as, “You cannot know anything without a personal examination,” are ideas that no sound psychiatrist would endorse (most psychiatrists are “eclectic”, meaning they espouse biological as well as psychodynamic principles).
Psychodynamic principles tell us that individuals exist in a context of society and history, which is why the president becomes a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. For biological pseudoscientists (and increasingly the APA), only brain chemicals matter—a boon for pharmaceutics.
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