For decades, shadowy, billionaire libertarians spent fortunes and white-identity evangelicals obsessed with maintaining segregated classrooms worked tirelessly, all to destroy public education and create a country that’ll drink bleach.

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair.
All that money, all that lying, all the constant attacks on and undermining of public faith and democratic institutions, all that exhaustive work dismantling public education just to manufacture a base that’ll chug Clorox if their reality TV president tells them to.
When the Roman Empire fell they left behind the aqueducts for subsequent generations to puzzle over. Have to imagine America will be littered with cast off cans of Lysol, half-full bottles of Windex, and printed off Breitbart articles titled What Do Scientists Know Anyway?
For the record, none of this is about intelligence or being dumb. It’s about a culture of conformity that’s taught through corporate and political and religious manipulation to distrust experts and science while maintaining an unblinking trust in capitalism and deified figures.
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