There seems to be a misunderstanding of what people mean when they say “follow the science”.

OF COURSE there isn’t consensus. There’s never consensus. So what? Do we do nothing? Do we weld everyone inside their own homes from now to 2023?
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say “follow the sciences”. A group of our best experts from different disciplines (medical science, epidemiology, economical science, behavioural and social science, communication strategists, etc) came together to create an OPTIMAL solution.
Not a perfect solution. An optimal solution, that takes into account a broad range of disciplines and projects the outcomes. Follow the SCIENCES.

There’s no crystal ball. The models are nothing but a best guess. In fact, it would be weird if they came true.
But if you’re staking nothing in them, then you’re as stupid as the people who are staking everything in them. Either way, you’re forgetting at least one of the words in the phrase “best guess”.
Some of the people and publications that are being promoted in the name of discrediting the experts leading the UK response are *unbelievably* dodgy.
Instead of wheeling out anti-vaxxers (“well maybe they’re right THIS time!”) why not think of 1 credible explanation that the scientists appointed by the devolved administrations AGREE with the UK government?
“B-but! But! What about scientists in other countries?? NZ? Germany?”

Scientists in New Zealand & Germany were asked for a strategy to respond to a pandemic in New Zealand & Germany, not a pandemic in the UK. If they HAD been asked, their strategy would have been different.
Germans/NZers chose to live further apart. They chose to be more decentralised. They chose not to be a transatlantic hub (admittedly harder for NZ!!). They chose to weigh less. They chose to be less reliant on external supply chains.
Not to mention - Germany’s lockdown was NEVER as extreme as ours. It started later and it’s easing off sooner.

If the same UK scientists had been asked to come up with a strategy for Germany or NZ - guess what, it probably would’ve been the same as Germany/NZ’s
It’s too early to compare any country, frankly. This has only just started. If you HAVE to then the only suitable countries to compare England to are Scotland and Wales. And they agree.
Early and eternal lockdown is not a “free” guaranteed life-saver. It comes at a price. We don’t know:
- how many lives have been lost due to cancelled NHS appointments?
- how many people have been injured/murdered as a result of being locked in with their abusers?
- what is the cost to mental health? How many would not have committed suicide without the lockdown? What is the mental health cost to couples that will miss their last chance at fertility treatment? The mental health cost to relationships breaking down?
Please, stop with bad faith.
Please, stop assuming people are xenophobic or stupid.
Please, stop trying to discredit our best scientists and the idea of “scientific consensus”.

When a vaccine comes, the anti-vaxxers will use the same individuals and tactics you’re using now.
Finally - read the room. Don’t call people murderers or racists for having a different opinion *on this*.

Everyone is miserable.
Everyone is lonely.
Everyone is exhausted.
Everyone is powerless.
Everyone is grieving.
Everyone is scared.
And everyone is *trying*.
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