Permadeath time: I'm going to live tweet Stranded Deep, a video game I know nothing about other than it has a permadeath mode I'm going to use.
I look like Jack from Lost.
Going in! It's always a plane.
oh bums
damn I lost my luggage
oh no
I'm looking inside my shirt because why not
uhm a shark is trying to eat me and I can't find the paddle
okay at least it ain't Grimsby I'm stranded on
a crab got in my life raft, I'm calling him Davey The Crab.
Oh on Davey The Crab, it's telling me to kill you.
sorry Davey, the voices made me do it.
got a coconut head called Jimbo, and made a shelter from a palm tree
Alright, so I am already running out of resources and I've only just started, yoloooooooooooo
I don't know how to make a hole in a coconut in game, oh no
sorry Jimbo I had to cut a hole in your heed
now, I'm starving and thirsty and I've run out of leaves to construct the water still.. so I guess my only option here is to take the life raft and try to reach another island.. What could go wrong?
i hope that's a whale
okay, I made it to the other island and got the stuff I need, now to row back hope for the best (also getting sunburnt and haven't met Hurley from Lost yet, worst holiday ever).
update: i'm not 100% which island I was at, left or right
hi mr whale am I going to grimsby island
update: made it back to the island but didn't get the right amount of leaves. currently starving and getting very sunburnt.
so some errors in judgement have been made, now vomit whenever i eat Dave Crabs as I appear to be sick. Currently living off coconuts, but I've used them all. Going to try making it back to the other island at night.
oh my god there's emergency food rations on the life raft, i'm an idiot. in other idiot news the tide appears to be carrying me away
update: made it to Cleethorpes Island but I'm hiding in the life raft with Jimbo Junior as there's a snake in the grass
surprisingly not dead yet, don't think this tweet will age well
okay so I'll be honest, I've got completely lost and ended up on another island, I name this Scunthorpe Island
lost reboot episode 3 budget Jack still cannot make a water still as he keeps dropping items on islands by mistake

davey the crab is paste

jimbo has lost his head
oh my god i did it this is the greatest moment of my life i gotta get myself a life
okay I finished the tutorial by building a wooden foundation

now all I have is a hammer, no emergency rations and no guidance

i'm a free man yay

i'm gonna die oh no
Scunny looks kinda cool tho
I can't believe I'm still alive

when do I find the polar bear
my name is jack legs
Our house, in the middle of our island
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house, in the middle of our mystery polar bear island
Our house, in the middle of our (something tells you that the physics aren't very realistic)
episode 5 cooking nemo

jack legs gets a tattoo and flies a kite
there's a storm heading in and all I have is my half built half house this will surely go well
decided to prioritise chopping down trees and building a house over getting food and water what could go wrong
haha, this is actually really enjoyable so far
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