im a bit late but tb to the premiere of endgame when i watched the first show at 9am with ayunie and zik at lido and i was late for my class at 1pm... it was a trip i would gladly experience again
i was almost half an hour late to class and my teacher just asked me how the movie went bcos i walked in w i think popcorn and the imax poster
the feeling of watching endgame the first time... and the cinema was so sporting everyone was cheering bruuuh it was an emotional rollercoaster
imagine being disorientated watching a 3 hour superhero movie at 9 in the morning and all u had was popcorn and u had to travel from town to the east to make it to a 4 hour class
anyways, i miss the mcu n geeking over fan theories and infinity war > endgame BYE
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