Kemp publicly supported a patchwork of stay-at-home orders by Georgia cities and counties, even as his top aide chastised those local governments for “overreach.”

Then, on dire projections of a steep increase in illness and death in the coming weeks, Kemp changed course. #gapol
Apr 1. “We are taking action to protect our hospitals, help our medical providers & prepare for patient surge,” Kemp said. “This action will ensure uniformity among jurisdictions for Georgians sheltering in place and help families, businesses comply with its provisions.” #gapol
Apr 1. Kemp felt pressure to expand earlier orders closing bars & nightclubs, but not restaurants & limited size of public gatherings. Kemp rejected advice staying open would swamp Georgia’s health care system, more deaths.
Kemp says virus’ spread was “a game-changer.” #gapol
More people die, researchers said, without broad compliance, strict social distancing rules.

Kemp made Georgia the 37th state to impose stay-at-home requirements, joining several other Republican govs who’d balked at shutting down their states to curb the virus’s spread. #gapol
On April 1 Kemp said Georgia is rapidly increasing its testing capacity, a move critical to “define the battlefield and help us develop a strategy to win this war.” #gapol
“When hardworking Georgians limit their travel, limit their interaction with others and limit their activities,” Kemp said, “they are buying us more time to get additional hospital beds ready, order supplies, and prepare for more positive cases.” #gapol
But the @CDCgov had recently warned that as many as 25% of people infected with the virus may not show symptoms.

Kemp’s change of heart on a stay-at-home requirement drew praise from one of his strongest critics, Emory University’s Dr. Carlos Del Rio. #gapol
Even as Kemp charted the new course, still questions abt the ideological underpinnings of Kemp’s earlier approach.

His CoS frustrated many local officials by criticizing their decisions to close some businesses to curb the virus’s spread as an overreaction. #gapol
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