Time to stock up on 00 nine pellet buckshot?

Nobody wants to talk about it ever, but we are going to have to have an anti-technology war if we we want to remain free.
Screenshot it. Bookmark it. Burn those words into your mind. It might not be today because you’re all still https://twitter.com/draganflyinc/status/1250455965285089282
slaves to the machine, but if you don’t consider this as a reality AND SOON... it’s gonna be too late. It probably already is.

You’re being replaced by AI and robots. You’re rights are violated DAILY because our phones are like crack, heroin, and meth combined. Permanent
addiction ...until...

obviously death. Your death. The death of freedom.

I was born 1981. We CAN exist without this shit. I did in the beginning of my life. I can again. I’d gladly go back.

This is my opinion which is highly unpopular. People will argue all day why I’m wrong
I have eyes. I know what life has become as we “get” more technology. We aren’t free anymore. This tweet is stored at the NSA and many other places. So are my texts, emails, and voice calls too. Every search I’ve ever made in a search engine also.
You must be a bad dude?
Nope just an American with internet and a cell phone post patriot act. All your shit is stored too.

Look at this: (play on words)
jail CELL
CELL phone

Break out!
As I type this on Twitter for iPhone... how sad. I’m still a slave too... duh.
You can follow @Patri0t_An0n.
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