How Edreformers Bully Teachers. Part 2. The CEO of Brightbeam (aka Results in Education Foundation and Education Post, funded by Microsoft/Apple/ Facebook/Walmart billionaire family foundations) RTed an article with a dogwhistle & editorial comment. /1
Sidebar: Let's give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't read the article. This teacher's married to a firefighter, who's working 24/7 during the pandemic. She cares for a 2-and a 5-year-old, one's on the way, and is teaching 380 students online. A heavy workload. /2
The teacher estimates she has 3 hours a day to get her own work done. That seems reasonable, given her 24/7 family responsibilities. Surprising after Brightbeam's CEO criticism of "characteristically divisive and overheated rhetoric" that he'd lead his followers down this road./3
A Hillsdale classical academy charter school consulting firm director has a very unifying message for teachers. This heart-warming sentiment gets approved by Brightbeam's CEO. If it weren't on message, he'd fix it. /4
Former Austin Independent School District Board Trustee/President implies that teachers who need help adjusting to the pressures put on them by the pandemic are setting a bad example for students, especially students of color? That's not on-message... /5
Brightbeam CEO jumps in with his favorite theme: privilege. Teachers "who have jobs, benefits, educations, and class status" should not complain. (He earned over $200K as Results in Education Foundation's Outreach Director in 2017, before he was promoted.) /6
Restoring equity to education is important work. We're all working towards that. These methods are divisive. Take home message from this thread is the same as for Part 1. Before accusing others of [fill in the blank], education reformers should get their own house in order. /7
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