The breaking of CAA and DoT regulations during lockdown. (Flying when you're not supposed to during lockdown)

Flying for essential service i.e Private Security, AeroMedical and Expatriation has been the primary flying happening.

Some have been flying in conjunction with SAPS for surveillance and or Rhino poaching activities.

That is okay...
What's not okay is a orivate farmer or owner somewhere taking their aeroplane/helicopter for a spin because "no one" can see them.

Now there comes a huge problem with CAA and DoT enforcing the regulations during this time.
There are thousands of planes and hundreds of airfields in SA. The CAA can't monitor all of them and DoT can't either.

And thats the loophole. Because the enforcement can't see you, they can't do anything.

That flight was probably flown on the pretense that "no 1 will know"
For example, before the lockdown many farmers or outback flyers were known to fly with expired pilot license, some without, expired aircraft docs and flying illicit goods.

The CAA and DoT will never know because the oversight isn't large enough nor does it reach some places.
We cannot blame the CAA and DoT for this, as for the longest time some regulations in our country have been based on an honesty policy.

When people decide to break the law, they are fully aware of it. CAA and DoT made an excellent job communicating restrictions and procedures.
others are worrying about is what enforcement action is there for this time of contravention?

Well no one knows. Problem is, if it's a fine, people will pay the fine. If its a license suspension, people will still fly without a license.

So policing these things is difficult.
Do I blame that Sizwe chap for flying illegally, no not really. However I blame the pilot and owner.

And so the critical question is how can the CAA and DoT strengthen their enforcement during this time?
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