I looked into the claim that hospitals are being paid 'more' to 'list' deaths as Coronavirus :: This is true; but it's Due to the COST - it's much more expensive to treat Covid19; Ventilators are not cheap; hooking people onto those machines isn't easy;
Turning patients over throughout the day isn't easy; the Equipment they must wear (and buy) is more costly than usual; focusing on Covid19 and not other ailments also 'takes away' from what hospitals normally make; hence being paid 'more'
- not to 'list' but to Treat patients with this deadly disease; We have to stop misinforming the public; It's costing people their lives - and the lives of their loved ones --
that article explains, more in depth, 'why' -

we cannot afford (literally) to continue being simple minded; or not challenging ourselves to go further than the surface - that 'old normal' was not working for us - it cannot continue as we move forward; we must Improve -
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