Seen a few posts that should just add:

'tl;dr: I've hit the fuck it button and you should too'

As much as I don't advocate giving yourself a hard time for a blip, to Me it doesn't mean abandon all routine.

Permission to hit fuck it? That's danger talk.
Routine forms the basis of healthy growth. (Even as babies our parents strived to get us into a routine)

Doesn't mean rigid, military style living either. To Me it means if you wouldn't normally drink at 10am on a Tuesday - don't introduce it because of lockdown etc
Similarly if you normally train 3xweek for half an hour - keep that in. There's enough to adjust to without overloading the thinking with extra stress of a routine going to shit.

Honestly, you'll thank yourself later for keeping it intact.
There's people getting offended by others working out. I've always trained. It's My and others routine.

I personally want to come out of lockdown same way I went in - healthy mind, healthy body & for that I am responsible.
It was put to Me I have two sides to Me. The adult and the child. The child in Me wants biscuits for breakfast, booze for lunch & an all nighter for dinner.

But who is in charge today? I wouldn't let a 5yr old in front of Me run the show so I won't let the one within Me either.
It is as simple as asking Myself - is this the behaviour of a responsible adult that will serve Me well down the line? or something a 5yrold would try to convince Me is a great idea?

And act accordingly.
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