You are now part of history's 1st quarantined of healthy individuals! Every health pandemic until now has involved the quarantine of the sick! Strangely many who proclaim being freedom fighters & democratic have cheered this on, encouraging lockdowns without scientific facts.
As most do not read scientific papers or the majority of virologists please watch this little video from doctors in LA on the front line.
If you do not believe me let me give you 120 experts who disagree with the Lockdown each in his or her own way.
Use a translator
And those who think this is so much worse than flu. Here is the Office on National Statistics in the UK graph. Seems many journalists idea of history is last year. Probably says much about our world that most people running the narrative are below 35.
Same applies to Switzerland.
One thing is sure the COVID kills but the resulting poverty will kill more. This is what you so gladly help to give up your & my freedom for. I am guilty too. But I think we need to fight the dumbing down of democratic debate
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