Why young people deserve more respect and recognition from the media during #coronavirus and their efforts in obeying the #lockdown.

A thread:
First let’s look at the statistics. The entire reason why we are in lockdown is in order to protect those who are most vulnerable (ages 60-80+) as these are the age group of people who are actually dying. (1)
Essentially, we are giving up THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES which we are NEVER going to get back in order to protect pensioners who have already lived their best lives going to concerts, partying, festivals etc. I wonder how they would feel if they were our age right now (2)
Now I’m not saying that the lockdown is unnecessary, it’s totally worth it if it saves lives but the very people who we are sacrificing our lives for continue to disrespect us every day in the media and life in general. (3)
Let’s look at jobs. I work in a restaurant and lost my job without being furloughed as soon as this started, many others my age faced the same fate due to our age group working part time (as we’re in sch, college etc). We now have no source of income until this is over. (4)
The leisure and hospitality industries are probably the biggest employers of people my age, showing that in the job market we have been hit the hardest in terms of unemployment. (5)
Basically, all the things we should be doing at our age like ‘finding our way in the world’ and ‘gaining independence’ we can’t because we are sacrificing our lives in order to save those of the elderly. (6)
Of course health workers get all the praise in the newspapers and media, rightly so they are putting their lives on the line but it would be nice for once if we could actually be appreciated for our efforts. (7)
So instead of calling us ‘snowflakes’, ‘lazy’, or ‘a disgrace’, think of the sacrifices our generation our making giving up the ‘best years of our lives’ so your generation can live to see another day. (8)
I watch the news every day and I can’t remember one single thing about the impact this is having on young people ever being covered. We need to speak up and be appreciated more because locking ourselves down is more of a sacrifice than any other generation. (9)
End of thread. (RT if you agree because we deserve more recognition for what we are doing to help the community)
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