1. I have an extra reason I won’t be installing a tracking app. Late last year, I had to move house as the doxxing I and other MFW Admins endured becos of our Jones & Murdoch campaigns got so bad. My address and other info was published online, including amongst groups known ...
2. ... for extreme violence. The threats were specific & credible. They weren’t (AFAIK) from anyone named in our campaign, but from far-right supremacist groups who object to anything feminists do, especially feminists successful in reducing the influence of powerful white men.
3. I’m not confident to even change my licence or electoral roll address. Do you really think I could use something which tracks my movements? Even if I faked a name, my phone no. was published online last year with my name so it’s associated with me. I’m a target for violence.
4. There are many thousands of ppl with different but also relevant issues. Women who’ve fled violence, anyone who’s been threatened by ppl with possible access to info most of us don’t have. & even without that access, it only takes ONE leak for everyone like me to be at risk.
5. If you’re not scared of being tracked, you’re privileged. If you’re white, able, straight, never made a bad mistake & have never been threatened or targeted by anyone, you’re privileged beyond belief. DO NOT judge others for their legitimate fears which you know nothing of.
6. Further, any govt. & media trying to guilt ppl into downloading the app are contemptible. They have ALL the ability & Dutton-esque power to squirm or pay their way out of any issue, yet look down on those of us working to limit their outrageous authoritarianism? Fuck off. End.
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