One of the most extraordinary #developmentaesthetics I've seen for some time at Ballymore's Goodluck Hope development on the Leamouth Peninsula in E14.

First, this is what's being built...
Although the hoarding slogans have a whiff of those dreadful HSBC ads, they're clearly going full-pelt for some Victorian gloriana nonsense in a nod to the area's former shipbuilding company & iron works.
The completely crazy thing is that Ballymore also hired branding consultants & sign painters to create FAUX GHOSTSIGNS for older buildings in the area. As far as I can tell, the signs all reference C19 companies that had premises in the area. Talk about historical appropriation!
This is the marketing suite!

All the C.J. Mare & Co signs are newly painted!

Inside the marketing suite. I've written elsewhere about the tyranny of "re" in development-speak and always nice to see another example that oh-so-beautifully illustrates the point.
Painting in progress!
One more for fun, this is the other side of the marketing suite entrance.
Can't think of another development where I've seen this sort of thing done before.
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