I am of course happy to field your wildlife questions and IDs, but I'd thought it'd be useful to provide a list of who I consider to be some of the best people to ask your queries on Twitter, for different wildlife groups.

I am a 'jack of all trades, master of none' but...1/5
...these are the real McCoy:

Birds: Lots! But @jrmjones @birdbrainuk some of the best.
Moths: @MothIDUK @dgcountryside @SteveNash71 @Hertsmoths @diarsia
Micro moth feeding signs, mines, cases etc: @billsbirding
Caterpillars: @rlewington2
Butterflies: @MatthewOates76 ...2/5
Fungi: @GwentMoths
Rock pools and sealife: @SteveTrewhella1
Bryophytes, Lichens, other lower plants: @CalumUrquhart1 @RyanClarkNature @v_giavarini
Dragonflies: @Macrolunchtimes @AlexJB497
Lower invertebrate orders (snails, centipedes etc): @BrianE_Cambs @CalumUrquhart1...4/5
Bugs: @BritishBugs
Fish: @JackPerksPhoto
Spiders: @akkwildlife @MattPrince16
Caddisflies: @akkwildlife
Grasshoppers and Crickets: @akkwildlife

I hope all these people are happy for me to mention them. You're all amazing for being so helpful!

Do retweet to spread the info. 5/5
It's been bugging me ever since I tweeted this that I didn't include these gents:

Butterflies: @WillLangdon12
Garden plants: @mostlyscarce

Rectified! :-)
@MW6WHL see this thread ^
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