Uh...I didn’t watch the concert (Ramadan, ya know?) but I was on Twitter rn & I heard what happened & I just want to say that, well, S. Asia is a very diverse subcontinent. Not all Indians are Hindu, not all Hindus are Indian. (1/2)
I saw a clip of the dance (on mute, mind) and to my eyes, it did resemble Classical Indian dance. I’m not Hindu, but I have close friends who are, who are trained in that dance form, and it is very religious and spiritual to /them/. (2/?)
Even if I’m desi, it’s not my place to disregard their feelings about their religion and culture. Not all desis (not all Indians) are religious, not all believe that, and so they might disagree, but I don’t think it’s fair to disregard who this rlly affects on a personal level.
Sorry if this is a bit of a disorganized thread (It is 5 AM; I am very tired). I just kept seeing “I’m Indian/desi/etc and I didn’t find it offensive” tweets and I just felt that they were disregarding the nuances of S. Asia quite a bit. Hence this thread. (4/4?)
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