I count myself very lucky right now. Myself and Marci work from home, so the practicalities of lockdown didn't hit us too hard, and (touch wood etc) we have remained busy. BUT. Time has gone crazy. It's flying past. 1/10
Which would be fine with me if we were looking at a definite deadline for the lifting of restrictions. But if we are looking at a "new normal", I need to slow things down, and figure out how to *not* have life fly past. I remembered reading studies had been done that showed 2/10
That punctuating your life with memorable events helped slow the perception of time. On Friday myself and Marci "went to the theatre". For a live, interactive performance on Zoom. It punctuated our day, it was something different, something memorable. It wasn't Netflix. 3/10
I recommended it to my niece and nephew and they went, and I had a lovely chat with my 10 year old niece about the experience afterward. Almost all my other conversations in lockdown have been about lockdown. So that also punctuated my day too 4/10
The funny thing is, I'm an actor, and I'm not even a massive fan of theatre. I like very few plays. But I'm very social. And I miss being social. The @creationtheatre and @BigTellyNI show understood the importance of audience in theatre and it connected myself and Marci 5/10
In our living rooms to, not only the performers, but to all the other audience members in their living rooms. After the play we shouted our appreciation and said hello to each other on this massive Zoom call. We need to support the arts, because now, more than ever 6/10
We need new experiences. Different experiences. Social experiences. Experiences that feed our souls is some way. We need to support the arts, and we need our artists to be able to explore to find new ways to engage us. 7/10
I've spoken to others, so I know I'm not the only one finding time is disappearing, but I'm interested to hear how time is passing for you? Here is an article on some of the science behind the perception of time with some tips as well:


That's the end of my longest tweet ever.
It just felt wrong to stop at nine. 10/10
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