This girl is really shitting on people for not taking a traditional education route? Fucking pathetic. Imagine thinking you are HIGHER than someone because you go to a university.. this is classist as fuck and offensive to those who learn a trade or go to CC lmfao
“sHeS NoT shitTinG oN coMmUnIty CollegEs” oh yes.. yes she is. Community colleges and trade schools are a blessing that have helped my family grow and become better, have a stable income, and live a full life. Don’t talk shit when someone who learned a trade becomes your boss.
Anyways, this was an important issue to bring up. To fellow community college students and trade school students, don’t let idiots like this drag you down. You are working at your own pace and what is right for you. You don’t need to go to a well known uni to “make it” in life ❀
One last thing, though she is a minor many know better not to do such, but some do not. I do not want people coming for her living situation regardless real or fake. The actions at fault are her wreckless behavior that has offended many, and that is rightfully so to criticize.
People still have room to grow, only if they understand the consequences of their actions and are willing to. As shitty as it is, a gentle reminder that people still have time to learn and better themselves after such horrid behavior has been in action for so long.
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