Some reasons for why studying from the text books is much better than learning from digital multi media contents like audio/video lessons.

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Digital contents are limited. The lessons are designed by taking into consideration the duration and the content size.

Finally, don't fall pray to marketing compeigns & switch 2 online contents when u already have good books w/ u. In case of lacking access to good books, look for digital copies of books than multimedia contents. This will not only save ur Internet bandwidth but also ur time.

To understand better one can re-read the snippets without extra cost of revisiting them. But in digital multimedia, seeking to right location/time needs many trials & also wastes time.

There is a lot of distraction while watching the online contents. It could be due to social media notifications or computer/online games.

Remember exercises at the end of each chapters and its answers at the end of the books. These tests reader`s understanding of what author/s wanted to convey. Such things are missing in the most online contents.

Underlining, highlighting, marking or taking notes on the books is very useful to do a quick rehearsal. Doing similar on digital material is tough and even impossible in some cases.

There are no advertisements in text books and also they don't track you or target you for a not-needed new product.

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