a thread on the cultural significance of Indian classical dances, because apparently we need it
Indian classical dances come in many forms, each originating from different parts of the Indian subcontinent. They are based on an ancient text known as the Natya Shastra, and so, these dances are often religiously significant
they depict stories important to faith, morality and themes of love, justice, and devotion. Dance was a way to express ideas to the general public while combining all types of artists
The music used in an Indian classical dance is specific. In modern times, dancers have experimented with new sounds, but out basics remain the same.
These dances were often performed in temples, where the public would gather for festivals and meeting. They hold great cultural significance, event at the local level.
India has fought hard to preserve this culture: With arrival of the British, which ultimately started the reign of the British Raj, these ancient performing arts forms were banned and insulted
They have been called lewd and erotic; Dancers have been referred to as prostitutes and harlots. These dance forms have been and still are considered holy and religiously significant.
In the 20th century, many great dancers made incredible contributions in order to spread knowledge of our beautiful dances. It's because of them that these age-old traditions are thriving. The reason why I have been lucky to learn Bharatanatyam for the last 10 years.
These dance forms are steeped in tradition, skills and techniques passed on from teacher to student to their student. It requires hours of hard work on the dancer's part, but also the singer, the mrudangist, the violinist, and the person on the nattuvangam, keeping us on beat
yeah it may be funny to do a little atami, hold out a few mudras for a minute, but please respect the art that dancers have fought so hard to maintain.
anyways I'm not a huge expert but I do dance! if you have any questions feel free to ask :D
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