i dont know who will see this but i wanna make things right
i dont expect anyone to believe me because i wouldnt either
but i have NEVER and would never send personal hate to anyone.. all of my accounts were hacked
i know it sounds like a convenient excuse
but i had reason to believe, based on posts i saw, and things people were saying on stream, that all the people i follow and look up to were spying on me, and sharing private videos and photos of me and making fun of me
to some extent i still believe that this was going on
but anything that may have been sent to you, i was NOT the one who sent it
they are things i typed out privately, and thought u could only see them if you were voluntarily violating my privacy
i still dont know what anyone has really seen, i can only guess by the way people have been treating me
i guess thats the problem with social media
im fucked up in a lot of ways, but i would never go out of my way to make someone feel bad
im sorry if you were sent anything.. if you dont believe me its understandable
i guess this is karma for everytime a celebrity said they were hacked and i didnt believe it haha.. unlucky :/
btw i dont think its a coincidence that all of this happened during quarantine
i want you to know that i do not hate you, and if nothing else i hope this gives you some closure
also just so you know i plan on deleting this thread, idk when but yeah
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