Having an existential crisis because I feel like I am mean if I don’t vote for the guy who has been very kind to me for years, mostly in private, and is a sincere friend but I also just am concerned with the handling of silicon slopes stuff. I am honestly so conflicted
If I was voting off goodness it would be easy but the guy I like seems to get pushed around a lot and that’s not what I want in my governor, especially when dealing with the tech people but his lg pick is impressive. Hmm. And of course the great democrat pick is a long shot
What do we owe our friends? And also, I just don’t want my friends in power because I don’t want to be let down by how they’ll handle it lol. I am just already gutted so often that I’d rather not be hopeful only to be proven gullible. I don’t expect to agree with people but,
I will regret this thread tomorrow!
Seeing people I care about do objectively bad things is just hard. It really personally bothers me and saddens me and I’d rather they were just regular people but then I wouldn’t know them and I suppose knowing and loving imperfect people is worth that let down. I suppose
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