I just watched the Jeffrey Epstein documentary where he was being exposed by one of the women who he had molested and trafficked when she was only 14. It was heartbreaking to watch. He claimed he had 'dirt' on so many powerful people including the Prince and popular politicians.
... Including Clinton. The law is still protecting these co conspires. These men hosted orgies which included girls as young as 13 years old. He committed suicide in a jail cell. Because the people involved are just so powerful... It was triggering really.
I remember working in corporate and trying to report a manager for verbal sexual assault and the HR lady told me to let it go. 'these things happen' after that I was then targeted and constructively dismissed. So I understand why men don't call out others. FEAR.
I pray those women find justice. Epstein bragged he had slept with over a 1000 young girls. 😭😭😭⚖️⚖️🤮🤮 This spirit called lust can manifest into something really demonic. Him and his accomplices destroyed those girls' lives.
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