With trans kids' ability to consent on the political agenda, now feels like an important time to once again point out the elephant in the room.

Hundreds of young *intersex* people in the UK are subject to nonconsensual, pre-pubertal surgeries every year. https://www.hud.ac.uk/news/2017/october/groundbreakingreportonintersexanddsdraisesconcerns/
Intersex people are often treated as the discursive means to an end in arguments around sex/gender, including by endosex (non-intersex) trans people. This, plus the relentless lies around trans kids, is a distraction from the huge harm done through nonconsensual interventions.
We all need to speak out more about non-consensual procedures in solidarity with intersex people, and make this a priority regardless of whether or not this issue currently intersects with whatever ongoing attack on trans people is happening.
But maybe we can take this moment of relentless focus on trans kids to talk about intersex kids - not as a pro-trans "gotcha", but as an opportunity to demand that people in power *do something* about the actual, ongoing abuse of children.
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