The Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu rewatch starts now
Ep1 – I associate this show a bit with REM; one reason is is I think I must have first heard them around the same time I watched it, another is that they have the song "What's the Frequency Kenneth?" and a key plot point in InS,UnN is the Kenneth Arnold Incident (unrelated), but
the third reason is that the show starts out with our protagonist, Naoyuki Asaba, breaking in to the school swimming pool, and REM also has the song "Nightswimming".

"It's the End of the World as We Know It" might be relevant to, perhaps. I'll keep watching and see.
(Kind of late to say it but this thread will eventually have spoilers I'm sure; technically it already does but it's all from the first episode so)
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