If you still think this is zayn... read! ( a tread)
So gigi basically posts a picture with a guy from his back that more than half of the fandom swears it's not Zayn‌‌. She doesn't say ANYthing about the pictures and even covers his neck so the tattoo places aren't visible...
Everyone is now curious, a lot of attention is on her to see whether or not it's him. Then she posts the gif and now everyone's sure he's Z.
What I'm gonna explain might sound weird but hear me out... we all know he's visibly shorter that Gigi, his size is different and etc. but for fuck's sake where are his hand tattoos?? Oh wait, his neck tattoos aren't there as well!
But other than that... doesn't his face look a little bit weird and odd? He's more like 2010 Zayn and we'd seen Zayn with clean face before and he wasn't like this...
Let me tell you sth.There's sth called deep fake where you can easily change the face of someone on video(in other words,after effects)and make them look like someone else.This is how we find lots of porn videos of celebrities everywhere. You can search & read about how it works
And when we slow down the video, his face changes in a very odd and unnatural way... in conclusion, this video is edited.
Even if you don't believe this, we'll be openly curious to hear your explanations about his hand tattoo and where they've gone...]
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