Anyway to the new peeps here, this is my BNHA OC, Oniyuri Hoori! 💜 Her quirk is called ‘Hannya’— basically, she has a demon-dragon hybrid quirk 💜

(Illustrated by Pia 💖)
I based her quirk on Kiyo-hime from Dojoji- she was a princess who turned into a demon-dragon and burned a dude to death and boi was I stoked for that LMAO
Some deets about her quirk:
- she has scales on her skin but they look more like transparent glass
- they convert any form of thermal energy into flames đŸ”„
- there’s a limit on how much she can use her scales to create fire:
: her scales kinda act like muscles; they will start to get ‘sore’ if she uses fire excessively, and it’ll show when they turn into a bright shade of red until they end up with a reddish-violet colour
- she can induce fear to anyone by looking at them directly in the eyes; the effect can range from people feeling uneasy/uncomfortable to others getting straight up paralyzed/unable to move due to extreme fear 👁👁

- she has sharp fangs 😬
- her horns are actually huge but she files them at least three to five times a week to keep them short
- she also does the same thing to her nails since they’re sharp enough to easily cut someone’s skin
Her quirk may sound coolio lol but it aint chillio most of the time:
- her flames are purple/bluish purple in color; they are hotter than ‘normal’ fire so if she’s not careful, she can easily give people 1st to 2nd degree burn
- she tries not to use her flames as much since they are more harmful than helpful
- once she hits the limit of her scales, the cool down lasts for three to five hours
- she is weak against the cold since she wouldn’t be able to produce fire without heat đŸ„¶
- most people tend to avoid her due to her appearance and the effect that her eyes can give them
- with the nature of her quirk, she has a tendency to go berserk if she doesn’t keep her emotions in check
- Fear, grief, and anger can activate her ‘berserk’ mode
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