I remember once me and irl were like discussing what we would do if we had the choice to change one fundamental truth about the universe and she said she would take away human sentience?? And at the time I was like damn this girls ethics kinda dubious but now..... idk anymore
Like sentience and morality is great and all but other animals don’t commit war crimes or genocide
I don’t think the root of these evils is sentience necessarily bc like I don’t believe ppl r ~inherently~ bad but..... we live in a society that unfortunately forces that inherent evil onto us?? Like we learn these evils based on a society thousands of years in the making
Honestly I don’t like having this convo with Americans tho bc ofc y’all think humans r inherently bad u live in America with Americans
Hot take but Americans r so divorced from actual humanity that they don’t know what it’s supposed to look like
I’m beating this thread like it’s a dead horse but like at least from what I’ve seen so many Americans r divorced from the concept of just..... community and empathy with other ppl.... caring about others.... like we value personal convenience over others’ well-being
ex. ppl protesting for lockdown to end so they can get a haircut. Ppl breaking picket lines on Amazon day or whatever the fuck so they can get free shipping. Ppl who losing their shit w/ retail and fast food workers bc they got an order wrong or something super innocent. Yikes
It’s real pessimism hours rn lol I’m mourning the society we could have been if not for literally everything that has happened to make it like this in the first place
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