[late night sincere chat] i think he tended to internalize scary things on the news, and that he did that partially bc of personality but also because he felt, like i suspect a lot of men feel, this intense pressure to protect his family, and the sense one couldn't do *too much* https://twitter.com/LeoBrok86/status/1254291577775755265
i think you can analogize it to the educated, liberal anti-vax moms. probably no one experience made them that way. they just think: sure, maybe vaccine injuries are 1 in a million, but if it's my child, i don't care if it's 'rare' overall. i'm not going to risk it
so you're basically seeing people (fathers and mothers) who feel charged with this immense task of protecting their families/kids in different ways, and the pressure is very intense and it can distort perspective and produce unforch behavior out of good intentions
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