BIANCA IS A LESBIAN ??? HOLY SHIT #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch
while we’re on the topic of lesbians, if any of you are anime fans, please check out “if my favorite pop idol made it to the budokan, i would die!”

it’s a lesbian anime that’s not sexualized *and* the characters are adults, not children! please support it (“:
she-ra is also a good option to support if you’re looking for good, wholesome lgbt+ relationships and representation. it has characters that are canonically lesbian, gay, and nonbinary

the final season comes out on netflix may 15th!
i totally forgot!

for some other wholesome wlw content, check out asteroid in love! it’s a super sweet slice of life anime about two childhood friends. one of them promised the other that she would find an asteroid and name it after her one day
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