I have been back in the UK for 5 weeks and the very British style racism that I loathed and urged me to leave has slowly been creeping up and eventually yesterday fully exposed itself.
Me and my sister decided to drive to Epping Forest because Victoria park is wild. The 2m rule
is not being respected or adhered to at all and i want some space to actually enjoy the restricted exercise time.
I dunno if any of you have ever been to Epping Forest but like most forests it's pretty fucking big, there are no real fixed paths just trails thru, under and around
When we got there, there was 1 couple ahead of us by about 30m, we walked thru more and my sister saw them again and said "that man keeps staring like he's scared of us or something". I'm sorry to say that I kinda ignored her, I didn't acknowledge them and I didn't see it
But I noted what she said. 40 mins later and were making our way back to the car park and we still need to find our way back which ain't easy cos it's just vast space and trees and no paths. I'm walking and the same couple and their raggedy dog are in the vicinity, again about
10+m away. I continue walking minding my business and the man opens up his dry lips to say "You're welcome". Now he wasn't close enough for me assume he was talking to me, i thought he was talking to his gf. It took me about 3secs to clock he was digging at me. So I said "sorry
are you talking to me". He says "Yes, you have no manners, you could see we were waiting at the side for you to pass". The shock in my head when I realised this man was actually crazy. I said "you're clearly weird, we're in a forest and I'm no where near you". He carried on as he
walked away. Saying how I'm unclassy etc, for telling him to get a life and go and fuck himself.

And that is how British racism works and exhausts you and tries to steal your joy.

He was angry about our black bodies being there so he created a problem that was not there
so he could find a way to express his anger.

Im convinced British white people don't even know why they don't like Black people anymore they just don't.

Hence the Aunty Paula thing.

Black women are just trying to go about our day and enjoy our lives and someone will try to
destroy us.
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