ok, here comes my shittiest opinion:

When I ask the press to just ignore Trump, it is b/c I view Trump as a shitty boss.

I've had a shitty boss before. There's nothing you can do about him. You can bitch and moan, but you also need to get the work done. /1
My shittiest boss was in a job that was all about helping other people.

I was in charge of helping a very large group of developers build kick-ass apps. My boss didn't help, in fact he deeply hurt my ability to help them.

So I worked around it /2
My team bitched about my boss a lot. There was a LOT of dissension in the ranks. But we all knew that the goal was not pleasing our boss, our goal was helping our dev community.

Eyes on the prize, team /3
That's what I think when I ask the press to just fucking ignore Trump.

Let him get up there and then everyone band together and ask him ZERO questions. Don't give him what he wants. Ignore him. /4
Maybe it's unrealistic, but I love the idea of Trump getting up there to talk and EVERY reporter asking to talk to Dr Fauci or Dr Brix instead.

Show Trump that no one gives a shit about his opinion. Stop reporting his dumbass words /5
Some people get upset with me, saying "But he's the president" and I'm like "oh, wow, you've never had a figure of authority you had to report to who sucked! What an astoundingly charmed life you live! Let me introduce you to a particularly brutal reality"
When you've had a shitty boss, you know that sometimes to help people or to work toward the greatest good you have to do your very best while working within the constraints you have in place.

Subverting your boss is counterproductive and being productive is important /7?
That's why I get frustrated with the press. They say "Trump is shitty" and I agree. But then I ask "so what are you going to do to help people know true things" and they say "oh nothing, we're just going to barf on his shitty nonsense"

And so everyone loses. /8
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