There are people who graduated at 25 and they found work immediately.

There are people who never went to the University but found what they love at 18.
There are people who found job straight out from college making decent money but hate what they do. @shreikanth @JumbuTweeple
There are people who took gap years and found their purpose.

There are people who were so sure about what they were going to do at 16, but changed their mind at 26.

There are people in relationships but love someone else. @HelloNNewman @Padmaavathee @RajiIndustani @chittukuruvi4
There are people who love each other but they are not together.

So the point is Everything in Life Happens According to Our Time, Our Clock.

@sambhashan_in @roadderive @CosmosSanatan @VertigoWarrior @desi_thug1 @Lost_History1 @Vedic_sonal
You may look at some of your friends and think that they are ahead of you, maybe some of them u feel are behind, but 'Everything Happens At Their Own Pace'. They have their own time and clock, so do you. Be Patient.
Don't let anyone rush u with their timelines.

According to Einstein who said : Not every thing that count can be counted and not everything that counted truly count.

Be able to create meaningful, purposeful fulfilling life for yourself and learn how to use that to make an impact and a difference in the lives of others.
That Is True Success. Hope u found the article relevant and useful 😊

Have a great day ahead! 😊👍



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