Want to know Why ?

▶️We perform duties irrespective of the situation; drought or flood, normal conditions or pandemic.

▶️We don’t have a identifiable dress code like white apron or black coat.We are India's biggest disaster management team. Unrecognized !
▶️We are often attacked and abused by people and our lords for performing our duties.

▶️We are under the jurisdiction of every law and order from local panchayat to highest governing bodies but, I am concern of no one.
▶️Many of us have died in Demonetization,
Many are dying due to Corona, but all problems are subject matter to us only.

▶️Our only treasure is your smile and a gentle ‘thank you’ if you are generous enough.
▶️We have to ‘manage’ the things whatsoever the circumstances, even Corona.

▶️If people don’t maintain #SocialDistancing outside Bank, it’s not a matter of law and order but, our duty to put things in order though we don’t have such power given by law.
▶️ Even in this COVID Pandemic, We have to service crowd of 300 people with cool mind,and act according to every guidelines and regulations of the earth.

▶️We are supposed to have super powers handle assigned workloads but everyone forgets we are human like you.
▶️We are supposed to have super powers to handle assigned workloads and COVID targeted assignments, but everyone forgets we are human like you.
▶️Despite all our Herculean efforts we find no mention anywhere. No one talks about safety of economic backbone of our country.

So here we are. Raising our voices for #Safety4Bankers

You can follow @Rahulramji555.
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