The rights of the sick outweigh the whims of the doctors. They cannot be allowed to just decide to not treat someone for for any reason at all. The government enabling such a thing is nothing more than an act of tyranny.
I also wish people would understand, that even if such legislation dosen't end up going through, it was still being seriously considered. That's the scary part, they really wanted to do it!
A Trans person should not have to prove why they don't deserve to die to a disease! It's basic human decency!
Like, why is it a valid opinion to think that a Trans person should not be given treatment for COVID-19? Why are we as people even humoring that? It's ridiculously cruel to the point of absurdity? Why are we trivializing their lives?
Why not elevate and enable the opinions and ideas of kind and empathetic people? Why are we always playing devil's advocate for the worst possible people? If a doctor refuses to save a Trans person's life on the basis that they are Trans then that doctor is a bad doctor/person.
This isn't an issue of freedom of speech either! I mean if a doctor knows you have a deadly disease and refuses to treat it based on the type of person you are and is content to let you die then that's a hate crime.
And if you make the argument that they could have another doctor on staff who isn't a bigot , well that's just trivializing things even more! What if one isn't available!? What if the non bigoted doctor is occupied with another patien, etc.!? It contrives things further.
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