A virus is a program.
Your body is composed of 38 trillion bacteria and 380 trillion viruses.
Every day your heath depends on your 30 trillion cells interact to keep your body at at ease.
A virus that enters your body normally is stopped by your immune system before it can do anything.
Instead of focusing on something you cannot control, prevent or stop, look at the bigger question:
Why would your body allow a virus to reprogram your cells to make copies?
What is disease? A body not at ease.
It lacks nutrients/vitamins to build defense (like vitamin C) and has many TOXINS.
TOXINS are what EVERYONE should be concerned about.
A virus, any virus has never been a threat in the same way as Polysorbate 80, Arsenic, Mercury, Aluminum, thimerosal, Formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG) all found in vaccines.
So we get autoimmune response to clean up that trash at same time we add dead animal cells, fetal cells that were infected with a virus and then directly INJECT past immune system.
THIS IS MASS MADNESS! yet people wonder why they are sick?
You dig your grave with your teeth!
What you put in your mouth and in your body matters more then any bacteria or viruses.
Why? Because your body is smart enough too manage trillions and another unexpected visitor isn't unexpected.
It happens daily.
It is long past time to take responsibility for what we can control.
You know the difference between good healthy food versus processed crap that came out of a science lab.
You know that staying inside is not healthy versus exercising your body, mind and getting some sun.
You can follow @ThunderWins.
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