(this is a thread) my aunt is actually the grossest person alive and is so stubborn it’s absolutely annoying. this hoe does not shower, she plays w the dog but gets mad at the dog when she doesn’t feel like playing and starts cussing at her??? LIKE HUH.
shes also in her 30s and still lives w her parents, no kids, no s/o. and she’s been working at best buy for like 10 years. she acts like a child and no, she doesn’t have any disabilities. she’s just genuinely such a bad person. we bicker a lot bc she likes to be annnoying
and when i walk past her sometimes she’ll smell so gross and i’m like dude go shower she’s like “sHuT uPp LenNon” LIKE BRO YOU ACTJALLY SMELL BAD JZISJSJ
and i remember my cousin and i were talking abt her while she was in the room and she was all “WELL I SHOWER WHEN I NEED TO” bro he literally was like “um ur supposed to shower everyday” and she got mad at him LMAO
also w my dog what she likes to do is sit on the floor w her and then play w her and it’s usually ok at first but then she drags it on and my dog gets tired and she’ll walk away and my aunt literally starts calling my dog a bitch and that she’s dumb ???? like bro do u have a life
like today she hid her toy and was like “ok go find it!” and my dog was like nah i feel like chillin here and my aunt was like omg ur so stupid. then my dog got up bc she felt like going outside and my aunt just followed her and stood at the glass door waiting for her to come-
back inside and then eventually SHE WENT OUTSIDE to bother my dog and so my dog came back inside (probably to get away from her) and my aunt went back inside to keep trying to play w her. LIKE DUDE CAN YOU FUCK OFF MY DOG DOESNT LIKE YOU LMAO
also when she makes something in the kitchen she leaves stuff out and makes such a big mess and doesn’t clean up after herself and i’m like dude are you gonna clean this up and all i get is a “shUt uP” like can you be a fucking adult and act your age instead of fighting w me-
all the time as if you’re right abt everything bc ik the fuck you’re not MONICA. not only that but she doesn’t even clean our bathroom and i’m the only person who cleans it. and i remember once i was cleaning in there and i had stuff all over the floor bc yk, i was cleaning-
and i had left to go grab something and i come back to her yelling at me in the bathroom like “ARE YOU GONNA CLEAN THIS UP??” bitch first of all i’m nowhere near fucking done and i’m the only person who cleans the damn bathroom and she had the NERVE to tell me-
“well i clean it more than you do” LMAOOOO THAT WAS THE BIGGEST LIE IVE EVER HEARD. bc if she did ever get off her ass to clean it she wasn’t doing a very good job. and considering she can’t even clean her room i knew damn well she wasn’t gonna clean anything else.
she also does not keep up w her appearance and nor health, it’s only when she feels like it. she does not shave her legs either. like she is very low maintenance and it wouldn’t bother me if i didn’t have to smell this hoe when she walks past me.
when i say she acts like a child btw, i’m not kidding. i don’t even know how to explain it but she is just so extra and she thinks she’s being cute but bro, she’s ANNOYING.
she’s one of those people who thinks she can sing too. she was in choir in highschool and can’t get over it. she just wants to think she’s better than my mom, who can actually sing, just so that she can feel better abt herself.
i literally hear her in her bedroom trying to sing and it sounds like you put a squirrel through a taffy puller.
and don’t come after me bc we know she isn’t depressed, bipolar, etc. because if she did she’d have more symptoms and something would’ve been done abt it a long time ago. she’s just gross. if you made it this far w/o throwing up i’m happy 4 u.
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