the "more will be revealed" part is that you don't actually #BelieveWomen.
I kind of can't believe I have to engage in this but, because people are irrational once Russia is mentioned, she said dumb stuff about Putin. She disliked Putin before, especially because of his domestic violence laws. She's a survivor of domestic violence. Then, bc of the...
paranoid hysteria surrounding Russia (see, for example, your tweet), she thought that much of the stuff she heard about Putin was misinformation. As she said, she was watching Chomsky (who does not like Putin at all, but does think #Russiagate is bs) & Oliver Stone (who does...
like Putin). As someone who (1) thinks the non-stop coverage of Russia is absurd and has only emboldened Trump and undermined the resistance, not to mention turned usually smart people into neoMcCarthyite zombies, (2) is called a Putin lover despite not ever praising him, I'm...
extremely annoyed when people who also critique Russiagate praise Putin. But I guess I'm weird because I still don't think that people who said nice things about him deserve to be sexually assaulted or smeared. Again, I kinda can't believe we're having this conversation. I...
want you to realize that people like you are part of why people like Tara don't get heard. I'm not joking. I have absolutely no doubt that Tara Reade is not a Russian agent. But what I did fear was that people would use some dumb shit she said about Russia to discount her &...
accuse me of being a Russian asset. I'm just being honest that the thought crossed my mind bc of how irrational people are on this. I'm not proud this thought crossed my mind. And I'm glad I interviewed her and helped her get out her story. A story she'd been trying to tell...
for a year. But I really want you and everyone else who is smearing her to know that you are all part of the reason why we're in this mess. Tara was trying to tell her story since last April when there were dozens of Democratic candidates in the race. People like you smeared...
her as a Russian agent and people like you believed it. And that's why we're in this position. And you and everyone else saying this should be ashamed that you're the ones doing the bidding of a powerful leader. Some of you, like the New York fucking Times Executive Editor...
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