The walls are closing in around Trump & most Americans seem unaware. He is fighting lawsuits & investigations From SCOTUS, SDNYC, Manhattan DA, etc, involving:

* 5 lawsuits RE: Trump's taxes
* Refusal to submit blood; Carroll 90's rape case
* Misuse of charitable assets


* 2017 Trump Inauguration: 'Gross' misuse of funds
* Numerous, ongoing Emoluments Clause violations
* Trump Organization 'Inflating assets insurance violations'
* SDNYC - Tax fraud
* Trump's Bedminster - Numerous, unpaid, undocumented workers violations

* Manhattan DA "Improperly recording wealth estimates to avoid paying taxes/insurance"
* As of today (Apr 25th) Deutsche Bank declined U.S. senators request for 'recent business dealings w/ Trump.'

Which is what banks do when there's nothing to hide, right?

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