you know, i am willing to admit that i also bought into nicalis fucking over pixel and banged that drum for years, it wasn't until a few months ago i found out that the entire mystery is completely impossible to prove
makes me happy this video exists:
i might be willing to go as far as saying that pixel was one of the rare cases that nicalis *didn't* fuck over the developer like with la-mulana and super 90s arcade gp racer deluxe turbo or whatever the fuck
don't get me wrong at all, nicalis SHOULD be called out for what they've done that's been proven
the entire cave story debacle is the one thing i've seen that can't be proven unless pixel himself says otherwise, and he most likely never will
it's only going to make things worse by muddying up the waters of what can be proven (la-mulana, 90s gp, chatlogs and unprofessional behavior, et al) with shit that absolutely can't (the entirety of what happened with cave story)
and it makes it even MORE worse by calling people who want to keep the waters clear "nicalis stans" when that isn't even their goal
gah how could i have forgotten this thread too, it's a very nice list of most if not all the info that's actually able to be gathered without pixel's words on the subject
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