"Sister Signs" LMFAO
It's puzzling to me that anyone would characterize opposing signs as "sisters," since culturally we don't usually consider sibling relationships in terms of opposition, but rather in terms of sympathy and affinity. https://twitter.com/lagudka/status/1254241095497678848
To the idea of mutual support I would sooner expect "Sister Signs" to be configured by sextile, the supportive aspect that is identified with Venus. That'd make sense as the Ascendant makes sign-based sextiles to the 11th whole sign house (of friends) & the 3rd (of siblings).
But "Sister Signs" aren't given to mutual support or affinity! From what I gather, the idea is that "Sister Signs" each express qualities that the other lacks. So "sisterhood" here is not sympathetic, but complementary.
The problem of "Sister Signs" being complementary runs into trouble when you apply the traditional scheme of planetary rulership.
A planet enjoys essential dignity when it occupies a sign that it rules, meaning it has the resources to perform its natural functions; it's "at home."

But whenever a planet is in the sign opposing its domicile, it's debilitated, lacks resources, and is considered poorly placed.
Likewise, each planet has a sign where is is exalted. Opposite the sign of its exaltation, a planet is said to be in exile, or in fall.

(You probably know all that, but I'm going somewhere with this, I promise.)
So in the dignities scheme, we grant that a planet is well-placed in the signs of its domicile and of it exaltation. When planets oppose their signs of rulership, they are less well-off. And, further, this is based on the essential nature of the planets themselves.
It's fairly obvious that "Sister Signs" do not have any basis in traditional astrology. However! We CAN use the "Sister Sign" idea to illuminate & articulate the assumptions that underpin the astrologies we practice, whether traditional or contemporary in nature.
As I gather it, the premise of "Sister Signs" is that opposing signs are the gateways to each others' spiritual progress. Let's unpack that, shall we?
The signs of the Zodiac themselves have no need of spiritual progress or growth. The signs are not human persons.
Insofar as we accept the premise of "Sister Signs," we are making a rather grand assumption. We assume that the arrangement of the zodiac, and the purpose of astrology in general, is oriented towards spiritual growth. Namely, that of human individuals.
If we allow that natal astrology can provide insight into our own nature as individuals, then the concept of "Sister Signs" implies that every individual is inherently flawed. In order to grow, they must overcome their own innate qualities.
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