(1) I've kept my identity secret here on Twitter and elsewhere because of the nature of many of the subjects I tweet about.

Given where I live (one of the most left-wing towns in the US), if my identity were to be revealed, it could make my life very difficult.
(2) I've been aware for awhile that some people — one group in particular — has been trying to identify me. This was going on even before the Rational Wiki article was published, but has intensified since then.
(3) Today I was contacted by one of those people (an anonymous person), and provided with information which allegedly contains my name, street address, email address, etc.

I was advised that if I don't delete my Twitter account, I will be doxxed.
(4) HOWEVER: I am NOT the specific person whom they have identified as being “A New Radical Centrism.”

BUT: I do personally know the person whom they've targeted. (The mix-up is semi-understandable.)

I've informed the “doxxer” of this fact, but they don't believe me.
(5) The whole thing seems ridiculous. It's hard for me to imagine why a Twitter guy with only 10,000 followers might matter enough to anyone to cause them to go through the considerable trouble of trying to find out who I am, and then try to get me off Twitter.
(6) But it seems likely to me, based upon previous threats (including harassment of the FB group I moderate), that my race and IQ threads (pinned to the top of my Twitter page) are probably the reason I'm being threatened.
(7) It's a strange feeling to know that threads which contain mainstream scientific findings and which support the MAJORITY opinion of intelligence scientists — i.e., that the black-white IQ gap is a function of both the environment and genetics — can cause such venom.
(8) I've informed the person they've mistakenly identified as me (the “doxxee”) about what is happening.

We all know how this works. Even though the “doxxee” isn't me, people will believe what they want to believe. This person could possibly be subject to “cancellation.”
(9) I'll be looking into any legal things that I (and the doxxee) can do, but I suspect that that's going to be a dead end (for one thing, I don't know who the doxxer is).

I should add that the doxxer claims to have enough online reach to make the doxxing circulate widely.
(10) I've been threatened in my own super-woke town in the past for saying/doing innocuous things — once for merely posting a peer-reviewed study about low-income housing to a local message board. (In that instance, an activist threatened to burn my house down.)
(11) So I take these things seriously — seriously enough to make my account inactive while I take the time to decide what to do, discuss this matter further with the doxxer and doxxee, and hopefully be able to resolve it without having to give up my Twitter account.
(12) To that end, I won't be tweeting (or responding to replies on this thread or to DMs) until the matter can be sorted out.
You can follow @a_centrism.
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